80's Flick Flashback
Aug. 8, 2020

#10 - “Dirty Dancing” (1987) with Tyra Williams

In 1987 a small Connecticut-based direct-to-video company made their first feature film for a true theatrical release. With low expectations from investors due to a female-driven plot in the midst of a testosterone-heavy Su…
June 26, 2020

#7 - “Summer School” (1987) with Laramy Wells

The 1980's in Hollywood was filled with more high school movies about slackers and smart-alecks than anyone actually needed, especially when it came to featuring students who looked like they were older than the teachers. Su…
Guest: Laramy Wells
May 15, 2020

#4 - “War Games” (1983) with Chris McMichen

Released in June of 1983, “War Games” made young Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy movie stars while it irrevocably changed our views of how computers could work and what dangers “hacking” those computers could do to the nat…
May 1, 2020

#3 - “Stand By Me” (1986) with Laramy Wells

A tender and poignant story of four friends who spend the last weekend of the Summer of 1959 looking for the body of a missing local boy, “Stand By Me” won the hearts of critics and audiences in the Fall of 1986. Starring W…
Guest: Laramy Wells